Thermal Emitters

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Thermal Emitters

Thermal emitters are an excellent way to heat your home or business efficiently. Unlike conventional heating systems that heat the air, thermal emitters work by radiating heat directly to objects and people. This direct heating method offers many benefits:

  • Energy Efficient: Thermal emitters use less energy than forced air heating systems because they don't rely on heating the air. The infrared waves radiate heat directly to floors, walls, furniture and people - reducing heat loss. This can lower your heating bills by up to 30%.
  • Comfortable Warmth: The gentle infrared heat from thermal emitters warms you right to the bone, just like sunshine. It maintains a consistent temperature and avoids the hot/cold fluctuations of forced air systems.
  • Healthier Air: Thermal emitters don't circulate dust, allergens or dry air like forced air heating does. This can help reduce allergy symptoms and prevent respiratory illness.
  • Quiet Operation: Thermal emitters contain no moving parts, so they operate silently without any noise or disruption.
  • Zoned Heating: Thermal emitters can be placed in specific rooms or zones, giving you more control over heating. Turn off unused rooms to save energy.
  • Versatile Mounting: Thermal emitters come as wall-mounted panels or freestanding units and in a variety of sizes. Choose the right emitter for each space.
  • Safe: Infrared heat poses no risk of fire or burns. Thermal emitters remain cool to the touch but effectively raise the ambient temperature.
  • Low Maintenance: Thermal emitters contain no parts that require regular maintenance or replacement. Just periodic dusting is recommended.

Place thermal emitters throughout your home or office for efficient, comfortable warmth all winter long. Order your preferred models today!