Disco Laminado 125 Mm. - Grano 120 Inox

Laminated Disc 125 mm. - 120 INOX grain

COF 1007125120
VAT included

Professional Tilted Laminated Disc Type “Z” (zirconium). Professional line for industrial use. High performance laminated disc. Number of blades from 60 (coarse grain) to 120 (fine grain). Valid for working steel or stainless steel.

  • Disc diameter: 125 mm
  • Grain: G-120
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13-09-2024   with  MRW

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Laminated Disc 125 mm. - Grain 120 INOX

  • Disc diameter: 125 mm
  • Grain: G-120

The Professional Tilted Laminated Disc Type “Z” is part of the professional line designed for industrial use, offering exceptional performance when working with steel or stainless steel. With a number of blades ranging from 60 (coarse grit) to 120 (fine grit), this laminated disc guarantees precise and efficient results in every application. Its 125 mm diameter makes it ideal for tasks that require precision and control, while its 120 grit ensures a smooth, polished finish on the work material. With a robust and durable construction, this laminated disc is an essential tool for professionals seeking quality and reliability in their industrial projects.

Weight (kg)
COF 1007125120

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