Mota's EK641 10-Piece 1/2" Torx CR.V Keyhole and Accessories Set is an essential tool for any professional or DIY enthusiast. This set includes 8 keyholes with torx bits of different sizes, a 1-inch ratchet/2" with 45 teeth and a 150mm extension. With this tool set, you will be able to perform a wide variety of jobs efficiently and accurately. The keyholes are made of high quality chrome vanadium steel, which guarantees durability and resistance to corrosion. The 45-tooth ratchet allows precise adjustment in tight spaces, while the 150mm extension gives you greater reach in your tasks. With Mota's 10-Piece 1/2" Torx CR.V Keyhole and Accessories Set EK641, you will be prepared to face any challenge that comes your way.