Weight: 5 grams. Plant with large, fragrant, glossy green leaves.
It can be grown in gardens or pots, it loves sunny areas and abundant watering.
Sowing is recommended with temperatures of approximately 20ºc. In cases of early planting, germinate in seedbeds with successive transplanting.
Average harvest duration: 40-50 days. Planting depth: 1 cm. Germination temperature: 18-25 ºC. Exposure: sun/shade. Sowing distances: 15 cm between plant and plant and 35 cm. between street and street.
Sealed bag to prevent the flow of air and light, this increases the chances of flowering. Article known as: urban garden seeds, vegetable seeds, aromatic seeds, cooking seeds.
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Aromatic giant basil seeds (ocimum basilicum) - Weight: 5 grams. - Plant with large bright green, fragrant leaves. - It can be grown in gardens or pots, it loves the sunny areas and abundant watering. - Planting is recommended with temperatures of approximately 20ºc. In cases of early sowing, germinate in seedbeds with subsequent transplanting. - Average harvest duration: 40-50 days. - Sowing depth: 1 cm. - Germination temperature: 18 -25 ºC. - Exposure: sun/shade. - Planting distances: 15 cm between plant and plant and 35 cm. between street and street. - Heat-sealed bag to prevent the flow of air and light, this increases the chances of flowering. - Item known as: urban garden seeds, vegetable seeds, aromatic seeds, cooking seeds .